Interveiw story

A nut graf is an introduction to the story. It gives the reader the basics and explains why they should read this story/ care about this topic. This can help the reader decide if they really want to read the story. It is important to include the nut graf because it sets up the story and gives the writer somewhere to start.
The nut graf is usually about a paragraph long and will try to include the who, what, when, where, how, and why of the story. This gives the reader the basis for understanding the story and what it's about. 

Who: Tyler  Vice-Holguin
What: Student of the month
When: March
Where: Bowie Highschool
How: Students vote for student of the month
Why: Lets students choose who to recognize for being a good student.

Being chosen as student of the month is something only 9 students get to receive every school year. Students get to vote for the student of the month to determine who will be chosen.I interviewed this months chosen student Tyler Vice-Holguin from Bowie Highschool to see her perspective on our school. 
When asked how she felt about being chosen she said that she felt,”accomplished and honored to take on this role.” Tyler also said that her friends, boyfriend, and family supported her in her achievement as student of the month and that her mother in particular inspires her because she, “(is) a hard-worker and loves me”. As far as her future goes Tyler says it is very important to her as is going to college. In the futures she says that she, “ definitely (plans on) going to college” and “ want(s) to move to california to live on the beach”. In school some of her favorite classes are photography and math. Tyler shows her school spirit by, “going to games of all kinds to support the people at my school.” What she likes about our school the most though is, “...the variety of electives at Bowie because it gives everybody options…”. Tyler could not have said it better, and with a variety of interests comes with a variety of people. Make sure you vote for next months student of the month, who knows who it will be.


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