Abandoned Amusment Parks

 The amusement park I would want to vist the most is Pripyat in Ukraine. The bright yellow color of the ferris wheel adds a bright pop of color in the rather dreary environment. They snow gives an extra feeling of abandonment to the park and the surronding areas are deserted because of the cold weather. The cold also makes the surrounding trees and shrubs seem more dead than alive.

Five other unusual places that would be of interest to photographers are:
- The drain pipes in neighborhoods
- older buildings with lots of nooks and cranies
- wilderness that is off the trail
- caves or underground areas
- places where not many people have been

No one as taken photos of the drain pipes in neighborhoods except for the people who build them. The only photos of them show them filled with water, but in Texas the heat dries them out and you can walk through them.

I think it would be fun to photograph them because they have grafitii and its really fun to just hang out in them. You could get a lot of interesting shots of people in the different sized drain pipes doing things that you wouldn't ordinarilly do in them.

As far as equipment I would probably need a camera, a tripod, and one of the bigger lenses. The location of my photos is in a public part of the neighborhood so as long as I don't bother anyone I don't think it will be an issue.


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