
Showing posts from January, 2018

Prompt Shoot

Pose The End Eight Connected footprints

Magazine Covers


Deadlines, ARGGH!!

1. The first documented use of the word was during the civil war and it's origns are unclear. 2. It can affect your grades and people trust in your timelyness. 3. I have not had many issues with deadlines in classes except for the very occasional late assignment. 4. No because I usually keep on top of my assignments. 1. I think budgeting your time is a good tip to make sure you get your work done but also have time for things you enjoy. 2. Not getting sidetracked and getting enough sleep because I get distracted easily and I often stay up late to finsih my work. 3. I'm a night person because every time I wake up early I'm really grouchy and irratable. 3A. I get less sleep because I stay up later. 4. Making sure you start your work with enough time to finish it is important for this goal. 5. Put them out of your sight, listen to music to tune out other things, and sit places with the least amount of distractions. 1. Yes taking control of homework is time manageme...

Choice Sheet

The first project I saw that I liked was Erika's long exposure photoshoot. I really like the one with the cat infront of the christmas tree because the lighting looks nice and the composition is good. I also really liked the featured main photo on Erica's site because it looks really nice and clean and goes with the rest of her site. On Eugenes blog I like the first photo on the macro shoot because you can see all the little textures in the plant and it looks really nice.

Phobia Project

1. A phobia is a fear of something, wether rational or irrational. 2. Xanthophobia- the fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. Metrophobia- the fear or hatred of poetry Scolionophobia- the fear of school Photophobia- the fear of light Xylophobia- the fear of wooden objects or forests 3. I was thinking about maybe doing the first one because yellow is usually seen as a happy color and it would be cool to show a darker side of it. All the other elements of the photo would need to be black, white or gray to make the yellow really pop. The subject( I'll probably ask my friends to be int it) of the photo would be scared (obviously) of the yellow object infront of them, like a flower or something really happy for irony.  I also thought about doing the last one and have someone scared and alone in a group of trees acting really tense maybe wearing a red coat and holding a basket for a play on red riding hood.  The last one I was thinking about is the 2nd to last one...

Welcome Back Assignment

4 Favorites I really like this one because the dark gray blanket catches all the shadows and highlights and shows a gradient from corner to corner. I also like how simple it is and how it highlights the face of the sleeping boy. I like this photo because the background really allows the veiwer to focas on the portrait and the woman in the picture has a lot of dynamic features like her snow covered hair, large gold jewlery, and red lips. I like this photo because the flashlights light really apperears to glow and shows how close people are huddled together like the stars Even though I was only supposed to do 3 I really like this photo because of the tropical color scheme and the shiny brightness of people offering the animal flowers. I think the most important person of the year are the people in the me too movement because they were brave enough to publicly stand up and admit that they experienced something that is seen as shameful in society. Their brave actions cause...